
In early 2020, after a little more than 20 years working in various levels of government as a leader of both program and project management, I left the stability of government work to search for something that meant more to me - I didn't know what that was. I have bounced around a little; ED of a non-profit, Program Manager with the Algonquins of Ontario and a Senior position within a consulting company, all were around 6 months and I learned so much about myself and human interaction, but it was not the fit I needed.  

In March of this year, after a lot of contemplation and reflection, I decided to start my own company. The goals of my company are; make enough income to eat, meet interesting people and learn. I've had some amazing experiences, and some patriarchal, boys club threatened hold you down ones. I have been able to share my leadership experience to help women in traditionally male environments and hope to continue this.
I believe that diversity, equity and inclusion are the basis of community prosperity and all of the challenges we face as society can improve if we can start there. I have a colleague and mentor who has been advocating for change most of her 20-year career and I am in awe of how deep and automatic her response, in all situations, is to first consider diversion equity and inclusion. It is my desire to learn and grow to be as confident and fluid an advocate as she is.    

Holly Hayes