Women In Power Elevation Info Session

Identities and intersectionalities
Power and privilege
Bias, blindspots and prejudice
Race and gender
Patriarchy and toxic masculinity
Inner Work, Inclusive Leadership, Allyship

Identities and their intersectionalities

Power and privilege

Bias, blindspots and prejudice

Race and gender

Patriarchy and toxic masculinity

Inner Work, Inclusive Leadership, Allyship

Topics Covered

Program Logistics

Virtually over Zoom, every Friday, 1 - 2:30 pm EST

Sessions start on April 5 and end on May 31, 2024

Program costs $500 + HST; scholarships available

Sessions are held virtually via Zoom each Friday,
1 – 2:30 pm EST.

Sessions start on April 5 and end on May 31, 2024

Program costs $500 + HST; scholarships available

Check out all of our programs below:

Women In Power:


Women In Power:
